The Osman Family

February 2012

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I can't stand paper cuts or slivers.  I can tolerate other pain (like sinus headaches) pretty well, but when it comes to something small like a sliver, I am a big baby.  It is amazing how a cut so small or a tiny little sliver can hurt so much.  I haven't had a sliver in a long long time (I can't even remember the last time I had one) but I got two this week.  One last Saturday and one on Tuesday.  The one on Saturday was on my thumb and too deep, so I had to wait a couple of days for it to surface and then cut it out.  The one I got yesterday is on the palm  of my hand and I can't muster up the courage to deal with the pain it will cause to get it out.  How frustrating.  Just thought I would vent. 

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