The Osman Family

February 2012

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Lost Tooth!

Walter lost his first tooth last week.  Actually, it is his third tooth he has lost, but the first two (his bottom two middle teeth) were pulled out by the dentist because his permanent teeth were growing in behind them.  They weren't even lose, so this was the first one that was lose.  He was eating an apple and it made it almost come out.  All Gil had to do was get a good grip on it and it came right out.  It took Walter about 15 minutes to let Gil do it though.  It was his upper left middle tooth that he lost.  The middle right is loose, too and should follow soon.

I have been meaning to right for a while about how proud I am of Walter.  He is such a good boy and a great example for his brothers and sister.  He is so much like me.  He is shy and cautious, not impulsive.  He loves school and he loves to read.  He leads his class academically (just like I always did- yes I was always teacher's pet- I bet that doesn't surprise anyone).  he reads 156 words per minute which is fifth grade reading level.  He loves math and is very good at it.  He is now reading the Magic Treehouse books and really enjoying them.  I love seeing him read, because I love reading so much.  He still loves Nintendo, but he doesn't choose to play it nearly as much as he used to, which I am glad.  I am so grateful to have him as my son.  It is such a joy to watch him grow and learn new things, and to make good choices.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love your new layout!!! And I love all your posts! -I love hearing how things are going for you guys! Take Care