The Osman Family

February 2012

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Eosinophilic Esophagitis

We got the results back from Shirley's biopsy taken during his Upper Endoscopy.  I thought it would come back negative for anything, especially since the Prevacid has helped so much with his bowel movements.  I couldn't think of anything that it would come back positive for.  I have done lots of research about all of Shirley's symptoms, like eczema and asthma, and Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EE) never showed up.  But that is what he has.  It is a disorder of the esophagus.  It is inflammation of the esophagus and children with it often also have asthma and eczema, just like he has.  It also explains him not eating anything until he was 11 1/2 months old and him sometimes chewing food and spitting it back out (it can be difficult and painful to swallow).  The first step into getting it under control is to identify food allergies and other allergies, like pet allergies, etc.  We already now of 5 things that he is allergic to and all five of them are common allergies in people with this disorder.  Today I took him up to Tucson and had patch testing started.  He has 16 patches (one being a placebo) on his back and I will take him back Thursday and Friday to read the results.  Then The allergist will do scratch testing in the near future.  Don't know all the details on that yet, or what that will be testing for.  What a long journey this has been an will continue to be.  I am just so thankful to finally be getting some answers.  I knew something wasn't right and I am glad I pursued it.  I don't want to see Shirley suffer anymore.

On a happier note, Shirley is walking.  He has been walking almost all the time for he last two days.  It is so cute to watch him walk.   He also loves to sing.  A couple songs he loves to sing  are Ring Around the Rosy and Five Little Monkeys.
(I am seeing the daughter of the Allergist that I originally saw who I did not like and will never see again-he didn't take me or Shirley's symptoms seriously.  I really like his daughter, though.  She has been so helpful and sincere from the beginning.  I do, however, have to travel all the way to Tucson to see her, but it is worth it.  I would rather travel that for to see a doctor who actually seems to care and want to help.)


Suzanne said...

I am so glad you have a good allergist! And I'm so glad you're finding answers. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to know something is wrong and not know what it is. I am sorry you have to go to Tucson for all this, especially with your husband gone. Here's to his speedy return and some better times for the baby.

Amy said...

that is so great that you finally know. That has to be relief in and of itself. Hopefully you'll be able to get all the info you need to make this as painless as possible for him now!

Unknown said...

Wow, best of luck with that.. it must be a relief to know whats wrong. I was greatful to find out William's diagnoses with Autism.. So I could know exactly where to research for ways to help him.