I have been meaning to post this post for several days now. Shirley turned 11 months old on Wednesday. He is finally starting to eat. He won't eat baby food that I try and feed him. he likes to feed himself. He is eating Kix, Rice Chex, Little Einstein Stars, and rice cakes. He will drink a little bit of juice out of a cup as well. He also crawls now. He started crawling about a week after he turned 10 months. He crawls on his right knee and left foot. It is very cute. I have never seen a baby crawl like he does. He loves to twirl things in his fingers. It is fun to watch him.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Shirley and Jem!
Posted by
Anne Osman
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Pink Eye!
No, my kids don't have it, but I do in both eyes. Hopefully my kids won't get it. I am going to sanitize everything I have touched today when I am done posting this. In addition to my eyes, I have thrush from nursing. I haven't been able to eat yogurt since finding out that Shirley is allergic to dairy and eating yogurt everyday keeps me from getting thrush and plugged milk ducts. Luckily I can still take Lecithin, which also helps me from not getting plugged ducts, but apparently doesn't help me not get thrush. I am using vinegar in water for me and baking soda in water for Shirley's mouth (home remedies) and hopefully it will get rid of it. Aside from these two things everything else is great. Gil went to the doctor on post and found out he only has to be on bed rest for 30 days (he is so excited) and that he can stay in the military as long as he responds to treatment, which he is. He really likes being in the military and would hate to hev to get out. Plus, know we will get to go visit my sister for Thanksgiving since Mike will no longer be on bed rest during that time. Yeah! This is a picture of Gil dressing up and being goofy one night last week when he was fed up with being on bed rest. It was hilarious.
Posted by
Anne Osman
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Monday, October 27, 2008
Posted by
Anne Osman
Monday, October 20, 2008
Rilla Turns 2!
Posted by
Anne Osman
Monday, October 13, 2008
Bed Rest!
Last Thursday Gil had a colonoscopy and the doctor discovered he has Colitis (inflamation of his Colon). He is now on Bed rest for 8 weeks. Yes, 2 months. He does not like it at all. He hates that he can't do PT. I wanted to laugh when the nurse told me because I knew how much Gil would hate being on bed rest. The first couple of days I had to keep telling him to go lay down. He is doing better about it now. I let him sit at the computer as long as his legs are propped up on a chair. We will enjoy having him home these next two months. I will especially enjoy not having to wake up Rilla or Shirley from naps when I go pick up Walter from school. I am very Grateful for being in the military. Gil's surgery or medicine won't cost us anything. The medicine he is on for the next 8 weeks would have cost us over $1700 dollars if we didn't have insurance. Plus he gets paid while he is on convalesent leave. How many jobs do that?
Posted by
Anne Osman
This was Rilla a couple of weeks ago. She put on her backpack, sunglasses and play dress shoes and walked around talking on her play phone. How Cute! I couldn't get a picture of her without her posing. She loves girl stuff and I am so glad. She loves barbies already. She sure can talk, too. My boys didn't speak as much at her age.
Posted by
Anne Osman
Gil's Birthday!
Posted by
Anne Osman
Fort Campbell!
We found out last week that when Gilbert graduates from Warrant Officer School next July we will be stationed at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. He will be assigned to the Aviation Brigade. It wasn't one of our choices, but I enjoy going places I have never been. I have heard lots of good things about Fort Campbell. It is actually located in both Kentucky and Tennesse. The one thing I am not looking forward to is humidity. I prefer dry weather. Hopefully it won't be too bad. It will be nice going someplace where it is very green.
Posted by
Anne Osman