The Osman Family

February 2012

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Done Nursing!

I am done nursing Shirley.  I stopped on Monday.  I started weaning a couple of weeks ago.  I started not nursing during the day.  He didn't mind at all.  It was the two night feedings (one between 1200-2:00AM and the other between 5:30-6:30AM) that I knew were going to be hard.  He will take a bottle and sippee cup during the day, but not at night.  So, on Monday Gil came home with Pizza for lunch and that was all the motivation I needed to end the last night feeding.  If I ate pizza, then I wouldn't have the option of giving in in the middle of the night and end up nursing him.  I am very excited to be done nursing and now I can eat anything again.  It has been over 6 months since I have eaten anything with dairy, wheat, soy, peanuts, and eggs.  I really enjoyed eating that pizza.  For dinner I made a chicken casserole that I love that has lots of cheese.  It was so good.  Yesterday I got to eat McDonnalds (we were in Tucson for Shirley's allergy appt.) and Spagetti with parmesian cheese and garlic bread.

Shirley isn't so happy about me not nursing at night.  Monday night (at 12:30 AM) he threw a 2 1/2 hour fit.  Even me holding him and rocking him wouldn't comfort him.  Last night he cried a little and was up for over an hour but wasn't nearly as bad.  After a couple of nights he should be sleeping through the night just fine.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

your such a good mom!