The Osman Family

February 2012

Sunday, September 19, 2010

School Open House!

We had Open house at Walter and Jem's school a couple of weeks ago. I took pictures of them in their class and with their teachers. Walter loves school. He always has. He is very much like me in that respect. He really likes his teacher and I am so happy that he is enjoying the school year so far.

Jem on the other hand "hates" school (quoting his own words). He seems to be having a difficult time adjusting back to school with a new teacher and all new students in his class. Jem never has dealt very well with change. He has a great teacher that he likes and he does great in class, he just doesn't like school. Getting him to do homework has always been a battle. It would take him 2 or 3 times as long as it should to get his homework done because of complaining, etc. So, a few weeks ago I resorted to bribery. I do not want to have to fight him for the rest of the school year. So, if he does his homework without complaining and does it in a timely manner, then at the end of the week, he gets to choose a rock or crystal from the treasure box I made for him. I ordered a bunch of crystals and rocks on line and he is so very excited about them. He doesn't complain and he does his homework quickly. It is amazing the transformation. If he is motivated, he can do it just fine. He even finished a whole book on his own that he would have refused to read before saying it was too hard. I was amazed. He is actually very smart. He just needs to be motivated. Last week he came home one day from school all excited about his day. They had a hands on science center involving worms. He loved it. Now if they could always have something science related he would love school. The last picture is the crystal geode he earned that week for doing his homework.


Tamra said...

I'm impressed by your motherhood creativity!

Anonymous said...

You rock guys! I'm so proud of you. I like your school rooms too. Keep up the great work!

